Wednesday, July 29, 2009





  • To adjust the amount of sunlight that enter through window
  • To identify parts and components
  • To automatically adjust the blind in order to control the amount of ray shining through the windows
  • Automatically adjust the tilt of the blind and control it depends on the amount of sunlight using photo resistor
  • Use the C programing to design the coding

Meeting (2)

Date : 28th July 2009
Venue : Atika's room
Attendance : 1) Atika Adrina
2) Norzahriah
3) Nur Isnida
4) Nur Fadhilah
Agenda : 1) Preparation for Presentation
2) Design WBS, LRC and Gantt Chart
3) Create blog

Meeting (1)

Date : 26th July 2009
Venue : Atika's room
Attendance : 1) Atika Adrina
2) Nur Fadhilah
3) Norzahriah
4) Nur Isnida
Agenda : Brainstorming the idea for topics' project

1) detector for missing key
2) automatic window blinds
3) smart parking system
4) intelligent flash flood system

Finally, we choose the automatic window blinds for our project.

LiFe iS WoNDeRFuL~~

It takes a crane to build a crane

It takes two floors to make a storie

It takes an egg to make a hen

It takes a hen to make an egg

There is no end to what I'm saying

It takes a thought to make a word

And it takes some words to make an action

And it takes some work to make it work

It takes some good to make it hurt

It takes some bad for satisfaction

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la

It takes a night to make it done

And it takes a day to make you young brother

And it takes some old to make you young

It takes some cold to know the sun

It takes the one to have the other

And it takes no time to fall in love

But it takes you years to know what love is

And it takes some fears to make you trust

It takes those tears to make it rust

It takes the dust to have it polished

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la laIt takes some silence to make sound

And it takes a lost before you found it

And it takes a road to go nowhere

It takes a toll to show you care

It takes a hole to see a mountain

Ah la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la life is meaningful

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la life is meaningful

Ah la la la la la la life is full of

Ah la la la la la life is so full of love

Ah la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life is meaningful

Ah la la la la la life is full of

Ah la la la la la life is so full of love